Ahad, 1 November 2009

Canoe Tump Project: Part 2 - Assembly

Obtained all the supplies for the tumpline project (LINK to PART 1). I already had a scrap piece of 2" wide 10oz latigo leather in my possession, left over from another non-canoe related project (made a hanging strop for a straight razor). The leather strip seemed a perfect length for the headpiece.

The tails are made from 5/8" wide latigo strips that are 6ft long. I'll probably shorten these once I start fiddling with the right length for the canoe yoke. But this'll have to wait until I'm up north again before I can test it out on the boat.

For fasteners, I noted that the NW Woodsman version used brass Chicago Screws which seem sturdy enough for this project. If not, I could alway attach copper rivets but didn't have any on hand at the time. Simple work with the hole punch, a little trimming and she's good to go.

The materials

Holes punched and edges trimmed

Inserting the brass Chicago Screws

Completed Tumpline

Another angle

Apparently there's a trick to prevent the screw fasteners from loosening - adding a bit of nail polish which dries to form a tight bond. Never thought I'd have to rummage through the wife's cosmetic bag, but it's for a good cause right?

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