Ahad, 5 September 2010

Historic Paddle Illustration: P. Grant - "Indian Encampment"

This circa 1815 painting from P. Grant entitled Indian Encampment shows a decorated red paddle at the bottom right of the image. The style seems very similar to the vermillion hued paddles used by the Voyageurs documented by Francis Anne Hopkins as well as some of the historic art of David Wright.

Watercolour, gouache over pencil
30.0 x 38.0 cm.
ca. 1815
Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. R9266-4148

Paddle Closeup

Supposedly brightly coloured paddles made them more easy to find if dropped in the thick brush or were used as a way of personal identification. Difficult to tell from the angle, but it looks to have a bobble style grip.

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