Rabu, 22 Disember 2010

Historic Photos - Mi'kmaq Guides & Paddles

From this great Virtual Exhibit by the Nova Scotia Archives come some pictures of Mi'kmaq bark canoes and paddles

Mi'kmaq Guides with Party of Sportsmen Fishing from Four Canoes, Digby County
Date: May 1899
Photographer: J.A. Irvine
FULL Citation

Paddle Grip Closeup

Indian Encampment outside Dartmouth, NS
Date: ca. 1900
Photographer: W.L. Bishop
FULL Citation

Paddle Closeup

Mi'kmaq guides from Bear River at camp near Weymouth, N.S.
Date: ca. 1893
Photographer: J.A. Irvine

Paddle Closeup

Images courtesy of Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, Halifax, NS as per their non-commercial use policy

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