Jumaat, 21 Oktober 2011

Porpoise Hunting Canoe & Paddle

From the NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) are some public domain images regarding the fishing industry in the US. I found an interesting photo of some native hunters in their ocean birchbark canoe posing before a porpoise hunt.

Indian porpoise hunters of Passamaquoddy Bay
Image ID: fish6819, NOAA's Historic Fisheries Collection
Photographer: Archival Photographer Stefan Claesson
Credit: Gulf of Maine Cod Project, NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries; Courtesy of National Archives
Photo Link

The chap on the far left is holding an exquisite example of a Maliseet/Passamaquoddy style paddle with fine lines and elongated grip. You can just make out the decorative semi-circular cut out near the bottom of the grip. Looks to be like the modern replica to its right made by Doug Ingram of Red River Canoe.

Paddle Closeup; Doug Ingram's Similar Grip pattern

For visual example of native porpoise hunting from a canoe, check out this post which features a 1936 silent film of Mi'kmaq hunters in their canoe.

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