Rabu, 22 Ogos 2012

Fellow blogger Mike O noted some great news a few days ago for birchbark canoe fans here in Canada. The World's Oldest Birchbark Canoe found in England is now back here at its new home at the Canadian Canoe Museum (CCM). After being on display for a year in Europe, the canoe will be part of the CCM's permanent collection. The new arrival is going to be unveiled on August 29th (4pm) in "a welcoming-back-to-Canada event".   

The canoe has gotten some publicity recently. Here's the link to an article in the Winnipeg Free Press. For a much more detailed report, check out the article in Wooden Boat Magazine (Sept/Oct 2011) written by legendary bark canoe builder, Henri Vaillancourt. His article includes some wonderful photos and description of some of the unique build features of this particular canoe

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