Ahad, 9 September 2012

Antler Grip Paddle by Larry Bowers

I've been sidelined this past week with a harsh case of eczema on my hands & fingers. They're all covered in burning, nasty blisters and swollen enough that I can't use my hands for much...couldn't drive all week and certainly can't do any carving.

This kept me away from the annual Paddler's Rendezvous at Killbear park this weekend but here is my post from last year for anyone who missed it last time around. Lots of great wooden canoe eye candy.

In the meantime, for anyone itching for a paddle making fix, check out the recent post by Larry Bowers of West Country Canoes on using antler horn for a paddle grip. Lots of great photos of the process for anyone wanting to give it a go.

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