Rabu, 27 November 2013

Rejean Roy Canoe Art

Last week I posted R�jean Roy's wonderful vimeo vid, "Le Peintre, le canot et la for�t" . It's a six minute video about his wilderness canoeing art and his traditional means of canoe tripping for inspiration.

After seeing all that wonderful canoeing equipment, I happened to get in touch with him hoping to get more info about his light blue canoe. I just found the colour such a lovely contrast in the deep green forested region of his journey. Turns out the canoe is "Al Gordon" model ( 14'6" ) built by McCurdy and Reed out in Nova Scotia. It just so happens there is a wonderful backstory to his canoe built for him in 2013 which  R�jean wrote about in an post HERE

R�jean  also sent me a few thumbnails of his canoe-specific paintings and with his permission, I've posted them below.

R�jean Roy

R�jean Roy

His vimeo channel has another older video featuring a familiar scene to many hardcore river trippers - dragging the canoe upstream... 

Turns out he replicated a scene from this vid into another pretty painting.

R�jean Roy

Also turns out  R�jean does some illustration work for books. Here is a cover for a tri-lingual pulblication  (Mi'kmaw, French, English) from 2012. Turns out my c1849 Passamquoddy replica featured on the header of my site served as a bit of artistic inspiration.

Very much looking forward to more tripping videos and artwork from  R�jean in the future.   

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