Selasa, 7 Oktober 2014

Cherry Gallery - Model Penobscot Style Canoe Paddle

It's been a while since the Cherry Gallery has posted anything paddle related. Their October current selections page features two interesting antique paddles. The first is a cute model paddle with a distinctive stepped style grip commonly seen in some Penobscot paddles which formed the basis for the classic "Northwoods Style" grip favored by Alexandra Conover-Bennett...

Model Stepped-Handle Canoe Paddle
This small paddle has the classic stepped-handle shape of Maine Penobscot paddles. There is stippled decoration all along its perimeter, and the ever-wise sentiment "Paddle Your Own Canoe" is lettered on the blade to encourage self-reliance.
Circa 1920
2" w, 16.5" h

As a reference, here is (now sold) full-sized Penobscot paddle from another antique dealer in NY (see original post here)...

I'll have a second post up soon to showcase the Cherry Gallery's other paddle up for sale.

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