Ahad, 9 November 2014

Zender Dale Arts - Woodland Paddle

Came across another woodland style paddle on the woodwork gallery page of Zender Dale Arts

"Handmade maple paddle canoe with carved handle, 6 inch wide by 34 inch wampum belt, and trade hatchet"

Unfortunately, the low resolution photo doesn't show details of the interesting step-like grip. It is very reminiscent of the circa 1860 Northeastern Woodlands paddle posted on before.

Circa 1860
 Maple  - 5 ft. 3 3/4 in. Original full post here

This specific  paddle was featured in Pleasing the spirits : a catalogue of a collection of American Indian Art  by Douglas C  Ewing  (1982) - plate 474. Luckily one copy of this out of print exhibit catalogue was available at the Toronto Reference Library where I went to find some extra information. The black and white pics included a closeup of the floral carving details etched on the grip.

Basic Floral Etchings on grip

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