Sabtu, 19 Disember 2009

Burning a BirchBark Canoe :(

From the Official Page of Destination Nor'Ouest II, some pics of Episode 5 where the crew decides to burn their (apparently) irreparably damaged 26 foot bark canoe. The captions are my rusty translations from the original french. The 3rd picture shows the crew lashing some sort of strongback or keel to the hull with spruce root - maybe necessary if the gunwales cracked or something. In the end, they decided it should be burned (maybe for TV ratings?)... a shame really given all the work and resources that go into building one.

"Le canot est tr�s endommag�."
The canoe is very damaged

"Les voyageurs r�parent le canot"
The voyageurs repair the canoe

"Les voyageurs r�parent le canot afin que celui-ci puisse porter leurs bagages."
The Voyageurs repair their canoe in order to carry their baggage.

"Les voyageurs disent adieu � leur canot d'�corce, il n'�tait plus possible de le r�parer."
The voyageurs say goodbye to their bark canoe, it was not possible to repair it.

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