Selasa, 22 Disember 2009

ROM Canoe Paddles

During my recent visit to the Royal Ontario Museum to check out their bark canoes, I came across a display of an Iroquois paddle that caught my eye. The lighting inside the glass case was horrific, so no photos worked out. But, I was able to find a digital image from the ROM's site of the paddle in question. Turns out they have 3 such paddles in their collection. The one on display was the specimen on the far right.

ROM Paddles - Iroquois
late 19th - early 20th century
Area of Origin: Northeast; Ontario; Canada; North America; Six Nations of the Grand

Not very obvious from the photo, but the shaft on the display paddle was quite narrow, it looked like it was less than one inch thick. Information on the wood type was not available but I'm assuming it would have to be a strong hardwood to handle such a thinned shaft diameter. The blade design is basically like a spined version of the Attikamekw paddle design that is turning out to be one of my favourites. Also the flattened, short grip is one that I've seen before on other Iroquois paddles. Here is a shot of decorated Iroquois paddles from LiveAuctioneer that I posted on before.

Pair of Painted Iroquois Canoe Paddles, made of two piece hardwood, red and white painted blade, unpainted shaft; each 65.5" long. Ex Howard K. Echenstern Collection.

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